Weekend workouts

After a week of missed workouts I figured "why shape up at this point?"

This week was kind of strange. I missed Thursday night, again due crazy fatigue. I think I have had a bug all week because I have been *ahem* spending a lot of time in the room with all the fixtures, if you know what I mean. Now, for a guy with Crohn's to say this it means he's spending like 7 hours a day in there or something.

I seem to be feeling better now, though... Anyway, Friday night I don't normally exercise (it's my "night off") but decided to because I missed Thursday. I was still feeling tired but got in about 30 minutes split between the treadmill and elliptical plus I did some pushups, dips (a few), and bicep curls and shrugs with the dumbbells.

Saturday I again didn't exercise (I did go see Jill and Matt Barber play in Mt. Uniake, which was awesome) and Sunday (today) my exercise consisted of lots of housework and yard work. Not crazy workouts, to be sure, but considering how I've been feeling lately it was better than nothing and I am feeling better.


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