
Showing posts from February, 2009

Testing Twitter Notify

Just testing twitter notify plugin for Windows Live Writer. Worked well!

Testing Windows Live Writer

I have been using OneNote a bit lately (really starting to like it) and thought I would look for some integrations between it and blogger. Google searches turned up Windows Live Writer… I just did a publish with this and it worked well! The photo got uploaded correctly, etc.


OK, the snow really gave me a run for my money tonight. I didn't get out early enough so the snow got wet. I shoveled for an hour or so and then came back in for a rest before going back out to finish. It's done now, but wasn't easy... That was my exercise tonight (got a good workout). Last night it was walking the dog and then doing the coin processing (not a heavy workout but at least I was moving around). Badminton was cancelled tonight on account of the insane snow storm.