Less is More: The Power of Short-Form Writing (by Gemini AI)
The following blog post was written by Gemini in response to a prompt Gemini summarized as: Write a blog post about the benefits of short-form writing. Focus on: the psychological and practical advantages of concise writing. Include: historical context of short-form communication. Style: Match the informal, conversational tone of macdonaldster.ca. Length: Aim for a shorter, more engaging piece compared to typical blog posts. Essentially, the goal was to create a compelling argument for the value of short-form content, incorporating historical perspective and a casual writing style. As part of prompting Gemini, I discussed how I have been trying to journal on one 3x5 index card a day and how relaxing and easy it is to do that. Here is the post it generated: Our world is drowning in information. Between endless social feeds and inbox chaos, it's tough to focus. But there's a secret weapon: short-form writing. We've been saying it short and sweet for ages. Telegrams, ea