Solutions for 47" LCD on desk
I am writing this blog entry because I couldn't turn up anything in a quick google search on this topic and am interested in what others have to say. Maybe they will find this blog and get back to me. I have a 47" Viewsonic LCD TV (1080p) on my desk and use it as both my work monitor (when I work at home) and as a home theater screen. I don't mind the set up: I am sitting about 1m away from the screen and as long as I keep my back straight and head up I get a pretty good view of the monitor. I have a slouching problem and find having this large monitor in front of me helps keep my posture correct as I don't slouch for the previously stated reason. My question is I would like a desk that is more user friendly. I am thinking a large dining room table with an integrated keyboard tray (sliding) that runs almost the length of the table (I might want to keep on it, for example, my work notes, a second keyboard for a laptop, etc). I would also like to maximize the distanc