I have been slipping on my eating lately. This morning I actually went to McDonald's for breakfast (2nd time in two weeks). On both occasions (last week and this morning) I was in a hurry and so on and so forth. Still, no excuse. After I ate and got to the office I decided I needed to read the nutritional amounts of what I just stuffed into me (and is currently making me feel gross). I think I might start doing it before I go --- I'd like to stay I am never going again but realistically I'll probably go back. Because they screwed up my order again I got a basic egg mcmuffin and I actually only got ONE hashbrown intentionally (takes a LOT of self-control for me, alone in a car, starving, to just get one). Anyway, calories from JUST that 490, 23g of fat, 1110mg of SODIUM. Wow. OK, I think I am done with going there for a "quick breakfast". My "usual" of a sausage egg mcmuffin and two hasbrowns basically adds 280 calories, doubles the fat, and add