GTD with Thunderbird entropic principal: Using Thunderbird to Get Things Done I am going to try this out at work for a while... Seems like a good system.
I ran through my inbox with it... Seemed to work ok but the labels don't work for me. I know they are pure GTD but I don't always follow the system exactly. I never (almost never) delete correspondence so for me there is no need to mark things as deletable... Instead I mark them as "processed" which means "I read it, I can archive it, nothing further needs to be done". For my email technique these labels work better (I think):
  • Action Required
  • Archive - contains useful info
  • Archive - general (I save everything)
  • Waiting
  • Meetings/Agendas (these are in my calendar but I use a paper agenda so it is useful to see at a glance what I have coming up -- I know, I know, paper agendas are dumb... I have my reasons)
I am on day three of this system and have to say I am REALLY impressed with how easy it is to manage my inbox. I used to try to process my inbox to zero but would frequently defer filing my email. I used "important", "useful info", and "meeting/agenda" as my labels. Adding "waiting" and "processed - archive" has made it much easier to filter things.


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