Tuesday was a miss

Tuesday night wasn't a workout night. I wanted to all day and finally got around to it just before 9pm. I went to move the latest Democracy Now to my mp3 player and it wouldn't connect. Hmm, low batt... No, new AAA and no charged rechargeables. I searched the house for a good AAA that wasn't in some more important use (god forbid I disable a remote control) and put my rechargeables on the charger. The universe didn't want me to work out, I guess.

OK, the batteries were an excuse. I was just really tired and had a long day. Tonight will be better. Bring on the cardio! I am just worried every day I let it go, it is easier to let it go the next time. I am comforting myself with the fact that I did a lot of walking, some lifting, and a physio session that day (and had xrays, bought hardware to attach a headboard to a bed frame, worked, and so on).


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