Update post

I haven't posted for a while. I have been focusing on work and home. Anything in between (blogging, reading RSS, researching stuff) has been put on hold. Special exceptions are being made for family and friends of course.

I wanted to get back to blogging, though, as it is a good way to practice writing daily, get things off my chest, and record of snapshot of my personality for review later (ever read a journal from "10 years ago"?).

Anyway, here it is in a nutshell:

- I went from using Google Calendar to using a paper agenda back to Google Calendar (tried it, liked it, needed more features)

- my Chron's tracker shows a good to bad days ratio of .48 so I am feeling just a shade under the weather all the time but in general have had some very good days and am having more all the time. Also, the severity of bad days is dropping so that I can do normal stuff (back pain is less, flexibility better, fatigue is more manageable). I am really enjoying my job lately so that is probably part of it... plus I am trying not to get worked up... :)

- the stone walkway I am making with blocks of concrete from our old back steps has three stones in it now... Might be four today. It is really working to turn that little path to the back of the house (which the dog and I use a few times a day) from a mud patch that was getting churned up worse all the time to a dry area (need to get some grass growing around the stones). The gravel under the stones is really helping to drain the area as well.

- we might be buying a small pick up

- I made some beer with a friend and it turned out really well

That's it!


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